Joint Strike Fighter
Project Location:
Joint Strike Fighter

Project Location:
Eglin AFB, Florida
Project Size:
Project Manager:
Work for this project includes:
The picture above shows Eglin's inaugural F-35 A Model escorted by 2 F-16s. The JSF Project is clearly visible between the 2 F-16s.
The project consists of construction of airfield pavements, facilities, and infrastructure for the joint strike fighter including:
- F-35 a/c parking apron including sunshades, flight line electrical distribution, and high mast lighting.
- F-35 Live Ordinance Loading Area including revetment binwall, high mast lighting, electrical distribution, roads, water distribution, high mast lighting, a flare storage facility, and a crew shelter.
- F-35 Parallel Taxiway Extension including arm/disarm pad, revetment wall, high mast lighting and airfield lighting.
Work consists of removal of 26,000 SY asphalt pavement and 13,000 SY of concrete pavement; clear and grub 85 acres; 475,000 CY excavation; 500 LF 7’ x5’ box culvert; 8800 LF storm drain; 337,000 SY graded aggregate base course; 11,600 Tons asphalt; 270,000 SY heavy duty concrete airfield pavement; 5300 LF trench drain, 2304 LF revetment binwall; 12,000 LF of 12”, 10”, and 8” water distribution; high mast lighting; and 29 sunshades.