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Repair Blue Ramp
Project Location:
Repair Blue Ramp

Project Location:
Pope AAF, Ft. Bragg, North Caronlina
Project Size:
$10 Million
Project Manager:
Randy Scott
Work for this project includes:
R.C. will repair and replace approximately 118,000 SY of concrete pavements, with new concrete at full depth. The scope of work includes new drainage course under new concrete, and base course beneath drainage course. Existing pavement, fuel hydrant pits and associated piping beneath Blue Ramp will be demolished. R.C. will include mooring points for mission aircraft and other associated aircraft that utilize Blue Ramp. Pavements will be striped and marked according to aircraft parking layout. If excavation uncovers contaminated soil beneath Blue Ramp, the contaminated soils will be properly disposed or replaced according to environmental laws and regulations.
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