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Runway 14-32 ARA Concrete Pavement Replacement
Project Location:
Runway 14-32 ARA Concrete Pavement Replacement

Project Location:
Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport
Project Size:
$12.5 Million
Project Manager:
Randy Scott
Work for this project includes:
Work will begin in July to replace the concrete Touchdown Zones at the Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport on Runway 14-32. This project will include; remove and replace 52,000 SY, 12" Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement on runway, 16,600 SY, 7" Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) overlay on runway 32 overrun and grade improvements by asphalt overly obn runway 14, 32, 36 overruns, temporary lighting, temporary and permanent PAPI installations. MALSAR modifications, concrete touchdown zone replacement, and construction of a conrete batch plant.
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