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Semmes Lake Dam

Project Location:

Semmes Lake Dam


Project Location:

Fort Jackson, South Carolina

Project Size:

$16.78 Million

Project Manager:

Lynn Wolf, Husman Environmental & Construction, LLC

Prime Contractor:

Husman Environmental & Construction, LLC and RC Construction Co., Inc. a Joint Venture

Work for this project includes:

Semmes Lake Dam Reconstruction will be classified as an intermediate, high hazard, earthen dam. Reconstruction consists of removing the remaining embankment material and reconstructing the embankment. Reconstruction will also include a controlled concrete outlet works, a 4' x 4' outlet gate and a three-stage labyrinth weir. The dam is approximately 970 feet long, with maximum height of 29 feet above the lake bed. The three-stage weir will be designed to keep a normal pool at elevation 215.0' (NAVD88), with secondary and tertiary cycles at 215.5' and 219.2', respectively. There is no emergency spillway, the primary spillway is designed to handle a 100,000 year flood with no overtopping of the dam embankment. With the proposed storage capacity and height, the dam is classified as an intermediate size dam, according to Table 5-1 of AR 420-1.

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